Monday, December 1, 2008

Think pink!

Well, we finally got the news we have been waiting for, and it appears that our little "it" is a little "she"! I was quite surprised when the doctor told us, because most people, including most of my co-workers, David, Garrett, and 48% of you who took our poll, thought it was a boy. I am thrilled and have been intently searching through pages and pages of girly crib bedding for the last week and a half, until my head is about to explode. Katelyn, of course, is very excited to be getting her girl. Garrett was a little bummed at first, (actually kind of mad), but he appears to completely over it. David was just happy that the baby appears to be healthy. Everything on the ultrasound looked good, and our genetic screening came back with a very low likelihood of any abnormalities. We revealed the gender to our families at the "sex party" over Thanksgiving break in Edmond. (This is kind of a tradition in my family and is not as exciting as it might sound . . . not that it wasn't exciting.) As you can see, the kids made t-shirts before we left for Oklahoma, and they revealed it was a girl by taking off their jackets. The party was fun, and we were so happy that so many of our family were able to be there. We had a good visit in Edmond and Tulsa, and we are finally back home and happy to be sleeping in our own beds, but we'll back soon. Christmas comes too quickly this year. On that note, I'd better go get some things done. We don't even have our tree up yet . . . so much to do, so little time. If I don't write again before Christmas, we wish you all a very peaceful Christmas and a joyful New Year.


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